So the three missions, A Prestigious Opportunity, Minerals Rock!, and Monstrous Research are the three easy missions from the total of five Rank 3-1 missions. The other two missions requires energy and using the elevator to play in the Clockworks. So in A Prestigious Opportunity, all you have to do is learn about Prestige Missions. After you complete this mission, you will unlock Prestige Missions in your missions page that you can complete daily.
In the second mission, Minerals Rock!, you will be instantly teleported to the Arcade in Haven. You will talk to the NPC Wagner and learn about collecting minerals throughout the Clockworks and then learn about depositing them after the return to gain the minerals you carried. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that this minerals collecting thing is only for arcade missions, so I think it's useless to carry minerals during Rank missions.
The last one is another one of those missions where you have to turn in materials in order to complete the mission. You have already completed a similar mission in Rank 2-2 under the exact same name, except you turn in different materials and get different rewards. In this version, you will be forced to give one Bronze Bolt and one Gel Drop. Check the checkbox above the start button for this mission to confirm you want to give those materials and press start to finish the mission. If you don't have the materials needed, you can either buy it at the Auction House or try to get it while playing in the Clockworks from the Arcade.
Total Reward: 60 prestige, Cold Snap, Heavy Hatchet
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